The right to an invention or utility models shall be protected by the law and certified by a patent for industrial design. The scope of legal protection conferred by a patent for industrial design shall be defined by product appearance images. A patent shall certify priority, right of inventorship of an industrial design and the exclusive right to use them. A patent owner shall enjoy the exclusive right to use the patented industrial design at his discretion. An infringement of the exclusive right of a patent owner shall be a non-authorized manufacture, use, importation, offer for sale, sale, other commercial introduction or storage for this purpose of a product containing a patented invention or utility model. At the request of the patent owner the patent infringement must be stopped and the natural person or legal entity guilty of patent infringement shall be liable to pay damage to the patent owner in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
Industrial designs are characterized by artistic and structural form of an article which determines its external appearance. The legal protection shall be granted for an industrial design if it is new, original and industrially applicable. Designs characterized exclusively by technical function of an article; architectural objects, industrial, water engineering and other stationary installations; printed matter as such; objects of a non-stable form made of liquid, gas, bulk or similar substances following shall not be recognized as patentable industrial designs. An application for grant of a patent for an industrial design shall relate to one industrial design only and may include variants of this industrial design.

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